In honor of Women’s History Month and the approaching spring season, Fine Art Miracles will be featuring a woman artist each week whose work was inspired by nature!  This week’s featured artist is Nancy Holt.  A trip to the Las Vegas desert catapulted Nancy’s career as a land artist.  She wanted her art to be an experience for the viewer and allow others to appreciate the landscape in a new way.

Stone Enclosure:  Rock Rings includes concentric circles that often appear in Nancy’s work.  The view of the landscape through the piece changes depending on where the viewer is standing.  I love the juxtaposition of geometric shapes and soft texture!

Sun Tunnels is made up of 18 foot concrete tunnels that are arranged to encompass the view of the sun during winter and summer solstices.  What a creative way to observe the vastness of the universe.

Dark Star Park is situated in an urban park, and consists of large spheres that Nancy found reminiscent of extinguished stars.  I’m definitely getting a Star Wars vibe!

Nancy was an innovator in site specific installation and the way art could be created in outdoor spaces. We support women artists as they continue to amaze us with their talent and ambition!

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