Dance & Movement Therapy
FAM offers Dance & Movement Therapy and Music & Movement instruction for individuals and for groups.
Dance & Movement Therapy has the power to uniquely address the needs of people of all ages, by relying on movement and other nonverbal behavior as the primary means of communicating and connecting. Illness, disabilities, the effects of aging, may negatively impact self-image and self esteem. Persons struggling with the activities of daily living often become depressed and frustrated by their decreased abilities. Ritualized group movements expressing mourning, frustration, and anger, in addition to joy and laughter, allow for the release of these emotions and promote group bonding.
Group movement, no matter how limited, releases a feeling of energetic activity and a pleasurable sense of the here and now. Energy begets energy. Express yourself through Movement and experience these benefits:
- Increase your energy level;
- Counteract disease;
- Reduce Stress; and,
- Improve your sense of well-being.