Child Care in the News

Dear Concerned Citizens,

While it’s clear-cut for families and teachers, too many of our lawmakers don’t understand the long-term impact early learning has on our kids. But there are so many benefits that come from high-quality early learning – it makes a huge impact on a child’s future.

For starters, increased early learning funding means lower high-school dropout rates and increased graduation and college enrollment. It means a reduced need for special education and a decreased need for remedial education.

With a continued investment in early learning, we can empower every kid to reach their full potential. It’s why it’s so important that you become a Child Care Voter and tell your elected officials that child care needs to be a top-tier priority in 2022 and beyond.

Want to learn even more? Check out this recent article from the New York Times on how increased aid to parents actually increases brain activity for our youngest learners.

We look forward to having you join us!

Kyle McMillen, M.A., M.A. (he/him/his)

Early Childhood Education Civic Engagement Coordinator

Children First (formally PCCY)

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