“Cultivating Kindness” Wrap-Up!

Last week was National Skilled Nursing Care Week and our teachers and therapists dove head first into the theme for this year which was “Cultivating Kindness”. They have been spreading kindness all over the Pittsburgh area and celebrating and honoring the skilled nursing staff that we work with on a daily basis! 

Our goal for last week was to raise awareness of the hard work that the nursing staff in these facilities do and how important that work is. Our teachers and therapists encouraged residents to create pieces that were gifted to the staff as a “Thank You”. 

Take a look at some of the amazing work that was put together by our clients last week!

These ladies made bubble wrap printed lilac bouquets with the note “Thanks a Bunch” for their nursing staff!

These beautiful murals were made by the residents at the Step by Step program!

And this amazing piece was inspired by the art quilts of Faith Ringgold. Each individual was encouraged to make their own piece representing their experience with the nursing staff, then all of the pieces were put together to make a giant paper quilt that was gifted to the staff! The facility plans to laminate the piece and hang it up!

Thank you to all the skilled nurses out there and that we work with everyday! We couldn’t do this without you!

To learn more about how you can help support our work with skilled nursing care facilities Click Here!


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