Genre ~ We judge a book by its cover

by Patrick McNerthney—Creative Director,

When we forget about genre, we lose the chance to get our idea out in the world. I once applied for a fairly junior writing position with an advertising agency. I wrote a great cover letter (they told me so I swear!) that got me in the door. 

Halfway through the interview things start to go south. The boss wants a junior writer, someone she could mentor, someone who requires hand holding. I’m a senior writer, perfectly willing to act as a junior writer, but senior nonetheless, someone who requires minimal supervision. 

I really wanted the job based on their great client list, but she didn’t hire me. And she was right not to do so, because I didn’t fit the genre of a junior writer, and it’s my job to look like the genre my audience is searching for.

This is because we literally judge books by their covers.  If I package my science fiction book like this:


…and not this:

I have no one to blame but myself when science fiction fans don’t buy my book (and romance novel readers bombard me with hate mail).

Fine Art Miracles faces the same challenge when it comes to choosing the right book cover.

We provide resources, like Art Therapy Classes, that support our mission of combating loneliness and isolation in vulnerable populations through creative expression. We’re in the nonprofit genre, focusing on health and wellness.

Our kind of work can easily be confused with the for-profit marketing genre – a category that frequently generates unwanted emails, solicitations and follow-up calls (groan). We’re definitely not in this business! 

In our busy, frenetic world, it’s easy to confuse the two, and we don’t want those who could benefit from our services to hesitate – we don’t want them to miss this opportunity for connection

That’s where you come in.  Help us get our idea out in the world on your social media networks. A great topic is our pre-packaged ART2GO lessons for those sheltering in place due the COVID-19 pandemic. This blog post by our own Abbey Marra serves as a timely example of how art therapy can cure the holiday blues. 

Our social media channels include Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.

It’s  imperative that we get our resources in the hands of those who need them most, especially as the pandemic continues through the winter. Connecting with Fine Art Miracles will result in  possibility for the vulnerable populations we all seek to serve – the possibility for growth, confidence and happiness during one of the most challenging times we’ve ever faced. We know you care about them too. 

And in this season of thanks, a sincere thank you for your help.


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