Let the Holidays Continue…

If you listen to the news, the radio, television, your neighbors, even friends and family, the world may appear pretty bleak right now.  We’re still mired in a pandemic, the global stage is poised for more conflict, and here at home the country is just as divided as it’s ever been….

What can you do? 

Well, you can allow fear and frustration to rule your emotions, or you can look around and find the holiday continuing right in front of you. If you have a roof over your head, a car parked on the street (or in your garage?), food in the fridge (those left over holiday cookies; that Pannetone you bought for a gift but never gave?)…if you have a favorite pair of slipper socks, a faithful pet, a hot shower, a mug that fits perfectly in your hand–and then there are the big things–what about your family, your best friend (shouldn’t you give her a call?), and that job that you really do enjoy…?

Face it; you’re blessed. You’re positively wealthy! You can be grateful for all this and for waking every day to a brand new celebration!

At Shenango Presbyterian Senior Care, they celebrate each day!  Here is their latest creative January artwork. Thank you to FAM Art Teacher Beth, for inspiring and sharing this beautiful work:



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