Voting Day is Amost Here!


Hi Everyone Who Cares About Early Education,

We’re officially under two weeks away from the primaries—and it’s set to be a historic night for child care. As a Child Care Voter, it’s time to hit the books (or Google, as it were) and do your homework on which candidates will stand up for students, families, and providers.

Investing in child care is so important for our kids. Child care prepares kids for success and for their future. It gives working parents the time to focus on their work, which benefits the whole family.

This primary is too important to play hooky. Make a plan now for how you will vote in the primary. Here’s a cheat sheet for making your plan:

  • Polling Places: With redistricting, your polling place may have changed. Confirm your polling location here
  • Voter Registration: Take a quick moment to double-check your voter registration status here
  • Primary Day: Vote on May 17

Pennsylvania families won’t settle with being nearly last in the nation for early education investments—and neither should our lawmakers. By voting in the primary, you help ensure our child care will pass with flying colors.


Kyle McMillen, M.A., M.A. (he/him/his)

Early Childhood Education Civic Engagement Coordinator

Children First (formally PCCY)

215-563-5848 x16 office


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