You’re Probably a Glue Person

By Patrick McNerthney 

Sports teams, bands, and businesses have one thing in common – they both always have someone on board who, secretly, holds it all together: the Glue Guy (or Girl). And they’re often unknown, unheralded, and after performing their clandestine acts of heroism, conveniently forgotten. EXCEPT when, in their absence, the group can’t function.

Kind of like when I miss dinner with my wife’s family and no one can bridge the gap between what my father-in-law wants to talk about (sports, fishing, the weather) and what my mother-in-law wants to discuss (haberdashery and tidiness as a virtue). That’s right, I can do that – it’s instinctive – I’m the glue that makes everyone feel like they’re important, and they belong (and thus dinner a success – at least conversationally).

(Hey! I said Glue “Guy”, not Glue Gun!)

Here’s how glue…okay, let’s call them Glue People, work in any organization:

  • There’s one in every team or group that shares a common mission. It could be anything: making dinner, delivering a big project for school, or creating a marketing plan for a business. 
  • Glue People are invisible, and know it. Sure, they often wish they were the super skilled, loud, charming, funny, assertive, or visionary one. Or maybe the person with the really cool car and the good parking space. You get the idea – they aren’t flashy; they don’t get a lot of attention, and maybe that makes them a little insecure.
  • But here’s the key: when the Glue Person goes some place else (even on vacation), everyone’s like, “WHAT’S GOING ON? We have all this talent, courage, humor, passion…plus a really nice car. Why isn’t this working? Why are we fighting all the time?”

(Somebody find the Glue Person!)

It’s because while the Glue Person may be invisible, their empathy makes it all work.. Glue People intrinsically see their role as that of moving the collective forward, i.e. they literally don’t see themselves at all;they only see the TEAM trying to achieve something. So they do anything they can to help, including empowering their colleagues to be successful by first understanding what they’re feeling, then instinctively creating the necessary connection for everyone (despite disparate personalities, egos, and motivations) to GET ALONG. Which is what it takes for any organization to serve others, regardless of who those others are. 

I have the sneaky suspicion that most people reading this are Glue People. You hold things together. And the connectedness you create is a superpower that helps the elderly, children with challenges, and people who may need assistance in other ways, THRIVE, in spite of anxiety and depression.  

(I bet your colleagues miss you when you’re gone too. Just sayin’).

Fine Art Miracles (FAM) not only sees you, they’re just like you. Maybe FAM doesn’t get the best parking spot or all the attention, but their services help those suffering from the psychological ravages of social isolation make connections: with you, each other, and most importantly, their own superpowers. It turns out creative expression fosters feelings of confidence, self-worth, relevance to the outside world, a sense of mastery, and a sense of belonging – and the pride that comes from being part of a special, unique group.  

Check out Art Therapy, Music Therapy, Drumming Exercise Therapy, Drama Therapy, and April’s brand new ART2GO package: Baruch Nachshon Landscapes, perfectly spring-tastic! They’re great ways to make connections as only a Glue Person can – with that special, unheralded, powerful magnetism we can’t live without.

So what are you waiting for? Get gluing! Give FAM a holler– they’re happy to help!

Okay, so guess what? Father-in-law is coming over for dinner, so I better wrap this up. He won’t last long talking about fashion and figures and such. The guy just needs someone who knows how to have a good time and hold it all together. You guessed it–that’s me!


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