Every Little Thing Counts

by Tess Lojacono


Here’s the thing: You might not realize how important you are.  Your actions, large or small, can brighten someone’s day; someone who is teetering on the edge of decline.  Your smile, even though they only see it in your eyes (you’re wearing a mask now, right?), your laugh, a kind word to a stranger, your instinct to hold open a door–all these little things provide dignity and honor to the other person, they show that you care.

And caring is essential these days.

We have a bit of evidence that our ART2GO lessons are working–doing the job of brightening someone’s day. From  a resident at St. Therese Plaza in Munhall, PA:



And this from a regular recipient of FAM’s packaged ART2GO Lessons in Buffalo, NY:

Good morning,

Your packages are amazing and I am very thankful for them. Please keep them coming!!!!! I appreciate the materials and weekly we utilize the supplies. I like the schedule and will take them as often as you can put them together!! We have arts and crafts weekly.

~ Activities Director,  HighPointe on Michigan

So many people need to know that you care–that we all care! Please join us. Reach out to whomever you see. Let’s make it a point to make everyone’s day just a little bit better, starting…now.




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